
Since you’re looking to set up a disclaimer for your website, I recommend covering a few key points. Keep in mind that I’m not a lawyer, but I can offer some general guidance:

  1. Purpose of the Disclaimer: Start by explaining why you have a disclaimer. Is it to protect your content, limit liability, or clarify user expectations? Be transparent about your intentions.
  2. Content Disclaimer: Specify that the information on your website is for informational purposes only. Remind users that you’re not providing professional advice (unless you are, in which case, mention your qualifications).
  3. Accuracy and Completeness: State that you strive for accuracy, but errors may occur. Encourage users to verify information independently.
  4. Third-Party Links: If your site links to external websites, clarify that you’re not responsible for their content or privacy practices.
  5. Affiliate Links: If you use affiliate marketing, disclose it. Let users know that you may earn a commission if they make a purchase through your links.
  6. User-Generated Content: If users can comment or contribute content, explain that you’re not liable for their submissions. Set guidelines for acceptable behavior.

Privacy and Cookies: Consider including a brief privacy policy and mention the use of cookies (if applicable).

  1. No Guarantees: Make it clear that you can’t guarantee specific outcomes or results based on the information provided.
  2. Contact Information: Provide a way for users to reach out if they have questions or concerns. Since your email is [email protected], you can use that.
  3. Legal Jurisdiction: Mention the legal jurisdiction that governs your website (usually the country where you’re based).